Solo i viaggiatori finiscono.
E anche loro possono prolungarsi in memoria, in ricordo, in narrazione.
Quando il viaggiatore si è seduto sulla sabbia della spiaggia e ha detto: "Non c'è altro da vedere", sapeva che non era vero.
Bisogna vedere quel che non si è visto, vedere di nuovo quel che si è già visto, vedere in primavera quel che si è visto in estate, vedere di giorno quel che si è visto di notte, con il sole dove la prima volta pioveva, vedere le messi verdi, il frutto maturo, la pietra che ha cambiato posto, l'ombra che non c'era.
Bisogna ritornare sui passi già dati, per ripeterli, e per tracciarvi a fianco nuovi cammini.
Bisogna ricominciare il viaggio.
Il viaggiatore ritorna subito.
(da Viaggio in Portogallo, Jose' Saramago)
The journey never ends.
Only the number of travelers has an end.
And they too can endure through their memory, through narrative.
When the traveler sat on the sand of the beach and said: "There is nothing left to see," he knew that was not true.
You have to see what you have not seen, see again what you have already seen, see in the spring what you have seen in the summer, see during the day what you have seen at night, be with the sun where the first time it rained, see green crops, mature fruit, the stone which has changed place, the shadow that was not there.
One has to retrace steps already given, in order to repeat them, and to draw alongside new ways.
One has to start the journey once more.
The traveler immediately comes back.
(Journey in Portugal, Jose' Saramago)
Only the number of travelers has an end.
And they too can endure through their memory, through narrative.
When the traveler sat on the sand of the beach and said: "There is nothing left to see," he knew that was not true.
You have to see what you have not seen, see again what you have already seen, see in the spring what you have seen in the summer, see during the day what you have seen at night, be with the sun where the first time it rained, see green crops, mature fruit, the stone which has changed place, the shadow that was not there.
One has to retrace steps already given, in order to repeat them, and to draw alongside new ways.
One has to start the journey once more.
The traveler immediately comes back.
(Journey in Portugal, Jose' Saramago)
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