Sunday, 11 March 2012

an urge to investigate

Welcome to Biophilia, the love for nature in all her manifestations. From the tiniest organism, to the greatest red giant floating in the farthest realm of the universe.

With Biophilia comes a restless curiosity, an urge to investigate and discover the elusive places where we meet nature. Where she plays on our senses with colors and forms, perfumes and smells, the taste and touch of salty wind on the tongue.

But much of nature is hidden from us, that we can neither see nor touch, such as the one phenomenon, that could be said to move us, more than any other in our daily lives: sound. Sound, harnessed by human beings, delivered with generosity and emotion, is what we call, music. And just as we use music to express parts of us, that would otherwise be hidden, so too can we use technology, to make visible, much of nature's invisible world.

In biophilia, you will experience how the three come together: nature, music, technology. Listen, learn and create.

Now, forget the size of the human body. remember that you are a gateway between the universal and the microscopic. The unseen forces that stir the depths of your innermost being, and nature, who embraces you, and all there is.

We're on the brink of a revolution, that will reunite humans with nature, through new technological innovations. Until we get there, prepare, explore: Biophilia!

From Bjork's website

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