I've been on both sides.
You wake up one day and you realize that you do not feel it anymore. And it hurts, knowing that you have to push away and hurt the most precious person.
Or you wake up one day and you are told such a thing. Sure, you could have imagined that, but you did not. And suddenly you feel like you are no worth much and you just hurt.
The question is in both cases the same "Where did the love go?" "Where is the love?"
And who can say if your love grows,
As your hearth chose, only time?
But we keep hoping, as Ted (at minute 05:15)
"How do you know?"
"I don't know, but I believe"
magnolia, bright and lovely as she is and loving "lange Spaziergaenge" as she does
the fact that love doesn't last forever doesn't make it less true
where does it go... it's hard to answer... it's like asking where does it come from? another fair question indeed
I think our wrong expectation is the need of things to last forever to believe they were, are or will be true
I'd rather think as anything else love is no exception, it's like an unknown creature which u cannot predict when is coming to the world, how is it gonna grow and what's gonna happen next... all we can do is... enjoy it
I watched a beautiful movie called 500 days of summer (I recommend it)
there is a great sentence a girl says to a guy who is in love with her (and she is not with him)
"u were not wrong about love, u were just wrong about me"
amazing concept.
I know the movie, pretty nice indeed ("nice to meet you, I'm autumn" ;) )
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. For the moment I find my nice shelter with friends. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-xAWE-4tkM
Love will come back to me.
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