Tuesday, 30 December 2008

I'll protect you

I'll protect you from the fears of your hypochondria, 
from the anxieties that you'll meet on your way, 
from injustices and deceptions of your time, 
from failures that you'll attract because of your nature. 
I'll cheer you up from pain and from your sudden changes of mood, 
from the obsessions of your manias. 
I'll overcome gravity currents, 
space and light 
not to make you grow old. 
And you'll heal from any disease, 
because you are a special creature
and I will, I'll take care of you. 

I was wandering through the fields of Tennessee 
(who knows how I had arrived there), 
"Don't you have white flowers for me?". 
My dreams cross the sea faster than eagles. 

In particular I'll bring you
 silence and patience. 
We'll walk together along the streets leading to the essence. 
The scents of love will inebriate our bodies, 
the August calm won't be able to calm down our senses. 
I'll weave your hair as wefts of a song. 
I know the laws of the world, and I'll gift you with them. 
I'll overcome gravity currents, 
space and light 
not to make you grow old.
I'll save you from any melancholy, 
because you are a special creature
and I will, I'll take care of you...
Yes I will, I'll take care of you...

Sunday, 28 December 2008


Being sad.
I had forgotten how warm can the family be.
I am surprised of how strong can be a feeling after these months in which I have not seen you anymore. I wonder in which direction I am walking.
It's freezing cold out there. But I'll travel to warm places.
Imagining to take a train, visit your city and then calling you "do you have any free time today?". What would I understand if I see you? What would you understand?
mumbling mumbling

Saturday, 27 December 2008


Purple washes over me
Seeping through my open seams
I'm stained all over

You pretend we've started again
Waiting for me to say when
But I say purple

She won't go
Where I
I would go for you
I'd curse my heart
For you

Silence makes a girl talk fast
Speeding but I'm gonna crash
And burn for loves sake

Duty keeps a lover loyal
(But) is it really worth the spoils
When I dream purple


Wednesday, 24 December 2008

ur wild side

They said, hey sugar, take a walk on the wild side
I said, hey babe, take a walk on the wild side

how does ur wild side look like? cappuccino at midnight? crazily dancing on the dance floor? dressing in yellow and violet? wild sex? wild words? wild feelings?

fields of gold

See the west wind move like a lover so 
Upon the fields of barley 
Feel her body rise when you kiss her mouth 
Among the fields of gold 

I'm also waiting for walking in fields of gold. I thought I had met the person. But at the moment he is just a clew of feelings, images and moments. And I wish you merry Christmas, but I do not know which words are the most appropriate...

Tuesday, 23 December 2008


...Christmas night is approaching, christmas songs...
"war is over if you want it" 

...but what if this year the biggest war is inside you, against that part of you, the one it is hard to deal with? looking for peace....

Sunday, 14 December 2008

Love lasts three years


Our generation is too superficial for marriage. People get married as if they were going to Mc Donald's. Then they zap.
How do you believe that people can stay with the same person for life, in the society of generalized zapping? In times when stars, political men, arts, sexes, religions are more interchangeable than ever, why should the amorous feeling be the exception to the general schizophrenia? And then, first of all, where does this strange obsession to try at all costs to be happy with just one person come from?
Out of 558 types of human society only 24% is monogamous. A large fraction of the animal species is polygamous.
Marriage is like having caviar at each meal, an indigestion of what we love till we get sick.
"Come on, have some more of it!"
"What?! You have enough of it?!"
"But if you find it delicious, you found it delicious some minutes ago. What happened? Can you tell me?"

The incredible power of love must have scared the western society to the point that it created this system aimed at making you feel disgust for what you love. An American researcher recently proved that unfaithfulness is biologic. Unfaithfulness, according to this well-known scientist, is a genetic strategy aimed at promoting the survival of the species. Try to imagine the scene.
"Dear, I din't cheat on you for my personal pleasure, I did it for the survival of the species. You can also not care about it, but someone has to engage himself for the survival of the species. Maybe you think that I do it for fun!".

I'm never satisfied. When I like a girl, I want to fall in love with her. When I've fallen in love with her, I want to kiss her. When I've kissed her, I want to sleep with her. And when I've slept with her, I want to live with her in a furnished apartment. When I'm living with her in a furnished apartment, I want to marry her. When I've married her, I meet another girl that I like.
Man is an unsatisfied animal, hesitating among different frustrations. If women wanted to play cunningly, they would refuse to sleep with a man, so that he would run after them for life.

The only question in love is: when does one start lying? Are you always so happy to go back home and find the same person waiting for you? When you say "I love you", do you really always mean it?
There will always be - it's fatal - a moment in which you will have to make an effort to say it, in which your "I love you" will not have the same taste anymore. For me that moment was represented by shaving. I used to shave myself every evening in order not to sting Annie when kissing her at night. And then, one evening, she had already felt asleep, I had gone out without her till dawn - typical shameful kind of behavior that one allows himself with the excuse of being married - I didn't shave. I thought it was not important because she wouldn't have noticed it. Instead it simply meant that I didn't love her anymore.

read by Fabio Volo, freely translated from me

Memories of the hearth

hopes that I hoped,
my smiles and my tears,
promises of cheerfulness
and dreams to which I flied
and my ruthless first love,
you are for me
lost and never lost.

I felt passion for you,
I swore on you
and I was tormented with you.
It seems nothing, but the hearth was mine,
then there was you...

The wind will blow,
the rain will fall down,
the fog will veil,
the sun will shine strong.
And the memory, the memory of you
never passes by,
never passes by.

How good were those kisses between us,
maybe you never want to stop,
I can see you through my wet eyes.
If you like it and if you still want it,
in the memory everything becomes possible again
even without us.
You are also here
in my hearth.

Memories never pass by,
here they are,
they are much stronger than we are,
they are still alive.

Saturday, 13 December 2008

The day the Earth stood still...

If the Earth dies, you die. If you die, the Earth survives.

And remember that human beings are so astonishing because they have the faculty to change, evolve...

Thursday, 11 December 2008


Walking by yourself in the cold, cold winter
Wrapped up in your coat like
It's a magic blanket
You say: "No matter where I go
They all look like strangers"
You see, the world only seems
The fairytale that it isn't

Dream on, dream on
There's nothing wrong
If you dream on, dream on
Of being a swan

But I know you're thinking...

And now you're looking at the sky
Talking to your angel
Could he turn this dirty street
Into a flying carpet?
But then you say: "I am not scared of anything"
Such a shy lie silent as the snow that is fallin' down

Dream on, dream on
There's nothing wrong
If you dream on, dream on
Of being a swan

But I know you're thinking:
"Am I gonna make it through?"
Dream on, dream on (and you can't run away)
There's nothing wrong (you've got to find a way to make it through this mess)
If you dream on, dream on ('cause you can't run away)
Of being a swan (you've got to find a way, a way out of this mess)

But I know you're thinking: ('cause you can't run away)
"Am I gonna make it though?" (you've got to find a way to make it through this mess)

Girl on the run (go girl)
You don't look back (go)
What did you see? (go girl)
What did you get? (go girl)
You're on the run (go girl)
Trying to forget (go)
But in the end,
Is it so bad?

Girl on the run (go girl)
You don't look back (go)
What did you see? (go girl)
What did you get? (go girl)
You're on the run (go girl)
Trying to forget (go)
But in the end (go girl)
Is it so bad... (go)
Being a girl?
Being a girl?


overworking brain

Have you ever had the sensation that your mind is full of things and it doesn't stop? and also when you finally sleep, if by chance you wake up, the brain starts immediately working again...You think what you have to do during the day, if you have eaten too much the day before, that you should do the washing, that you should remember to buy a Christmas gift for your flatmate, that tomorrow you should remember to take that book with you, and so on... No peace, no rest.

Monday, 8 December 2008

pull things out of yourself

Why can't I bring out things just in a normal way?!? maybe shouting, maybe crying, maybe running.

I also use these ways. But from time to time I like to punish myself, in different ways. That's my way of escaping perfection maybe.

...what is normality? what is illness? magnolia gives me answers, but I cannot always stick to rationality... fighting with myself

Saturday, 6 December 2008


Eight people late at night sitting in my room. Some are friends, some I got to know that night itself. Wine, music, many languages. Lives which cross each other.


You did not dare say a single word,
I did not dare ask for something more
I’ve kept my questions secret deep inside,
but I wish I could have let you know about
a time when I would have said:

"Wait, and please stay."
Did you mean to push me away?
"Please wait and just stay."
Did you want it to be this way?

Would you want to know what I've been through?
(through all this time... all this time)
Would you want to know I have missed you too?
(and I have you on my mind)
And you've been and you will be a part of me.
(that I can't find)
And you've been forgiven for your silence
all this time when I would have said:

"Wait, and please stay."
Did you mean to push me away?
"Please wait and just say:
Is there a way that could replace
the times you never said
"How've you been?"
"Do you need anything?"
"I want you to know I'm here."
"I want you to feel me near"?

Yeah...and I hope,
I hope that you will find your way.
Yeah...and I hope,
I hope there will be better days.

Please wait, and just stay
(Please stay)
Did you mean to push me away?
Please wait, and just stay
(Wait, just stay)
Did you want it to be this way?
Wait, please say
(Yeah, and I hope)
I hope that you will find your way
Please wait, and just stay
(Wait, and I hope)
I hope there will be better days

Hey hey...

Please stay
Just stay
Please wait

Friday, 5 December 2008

Twin star, i.e. soul mate (stella gemella)

And it is again loneliness.
Also tonight I will feel
my heart beating on and off -
time of love that never ends, oh no ...

My inner part - that you know -
lives a time more difficult than ever.
It is not enough having no contact anymore,
it was useless dealing with everything,
if then my way of feeling
fragile still remains.

I would like to know if you do exist
or if you are just a useless flight...

Where are you, my soul?
I waste away without you.
Where are you, beautiful soul,
where are you?

My heart beats on and off - season of love -
I'm looking so hard for you
that my eyes are aching now...

Where are you, my soul?
I waste away without you.
Where are you, beautiful soul?
Twin star, where are you?

Maybe you are behind the moon
as the most hidden dream.
Can't you see that I live for you?
Where are you?


Monday, 1 December 2008

Light up


I'll sing it one last time for you
Then we really have to go
You've been the only thing that's right
In all I've done

And I can barely look at you
But every single time I do
I know we'll make it anywhere
Away from here

Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you dear

Louder louder
And we'll run for our lives
I can hardly speak I understand
Why you can't raise your voice to say

To think I might not see those eyes
Makes it so hard not to cry
And as we say our long goodbye
I nearly do

Light up...

Slower slower
We don't have time for that
All I want is to find an easier way
To get out of our little heads

Have heart my dear
We're bound to be afraid
Even if it's just for a few days
Making up for all this mess

The unsustainable heaviness of being

Sometimes you observe your life and you are not able to really determine it. You should work more, eat less, do more sport, stay positive, but you cannot help yourself in doing that. Life is just the same, but it's so hard to deal with it. It's hard brushing your teeth and come to the office on Monday, debugging a code and doing the washing.

And life as it was 6 months ago seemed so easy. Or at least this is what you can remember.

Friday, 28 November 2008


Yesterday I was watching this interview to Rita Levi Montalcini, nobel prize for medicine (studiying human brain), almost one hundred years old. She's also an honorary member of italian Parliament. She is a Jew, born in Turin.

She answered this question (free translation):
Interviewer: "As regards the tragedies of this century, you wrote "Man is not evil, he is obedient""
Montalcini: "Man is gregarious. This goes back to the begin of life of Australopithecus. Man is a fossil which takes with him the memory of the past. The origin of the evolution of man, derived from when man was emotively guided, was gregarious. There was not the gene of evilness, there was the gene of gregariousness-compliancy. Man was not born with the need to commit evil deeds. He commits evil deeds because he is gregarious, he passively accepts - we know this from totalitarian regimes - the order of the so-called boss"


early lunch?

or early launch?
do we launch a ship?
do u have champagne for that?

what about an early lounge?
would be a cocktail party better?
would you like to drink a cosmopolitan?

sarah jessica parker used to drink cosmopolitan in sex and the city...
where is ur mr big?
lost in translation?
google translate: such a great invention!

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Christmas atmosphere

Yesterday I walked home from my office. It was 5 p.m. The sun was going down. The air was freezing. And the sky was so beautiful. I love the sky in this country.

And I was in a good mood. Smile on my face. I-pod in my ears. And music. Lost in music I started singing. And when I was singing "So this is Christmas" together with Celine Dion a guy was walking just behind me!!! So funny!!!


Monday, 24 November 2008

Summer salad (delicious)

Also wir haben jungen Spinat auf dem Markt geholt, dazu Erdbeeren, Avocado, Piniekerne, Gurke und ein Balsamico-Dressing. Vielleicht hatten wir auch noch Zwiebeln drin, aber das weiß ich nicht mehr sicher.

fresh young spinach, strawberries, avocado, pignolia (pin nuts), cucumber and balsamico-dressing. If you want also onion.
My version is without cucmber and onion, but it's delicious!!!

Conchigliette alla montecarlo

500 gr. di pasta
200 gr. di pelati o salsa
250 gr. di carne tritata
1 bicchiere di vino bianco
1 cucchiaio di ketchup
1 cucchiaio di curry in polvere
1 pizzico di noce moscata
1 dado
pepe nero, origano, basilico tritato, formaggio, panna, aglio, prezzemolo.

Soffriggere aglio e prezzemolo con carne tritata 
Far rosolare 
Poi aggiungere il vino e farlo evaporare 
Aggiungere la salsa, il ketchup, il curry, la noce moscata, il dado, il pepe nero, l'origano e il basilico
Far cuocere il tutto per circa 35 minuti
Alla fine aggiungere un pacchetto di panna e una bella manciata di formaggio grattugiato
Condire la pasta cotta a parte

Crema al mascarpone

n° 3 tuorli d'uovo
Gr 80 di zucchero
Gr 300 di mascarpone (o ricotta)

Montare a spuma i tre tuorli d'uovo con 80 gr. di zucchero, aggiungere il mascarpone e mescolare fino ad ottenere una crema morbida.

Tiramisu' in summer version

In German below:

200 gr. di savoiardi o pavesini
250 gr. di mascarpone o ricotta
150 gr. di panna
4 tuorli di uovo (oppure solo complessivamente 250 gr. di panna)
150 gr. di zucchero
3 limoni la scorza
8 cucchiai di limoncello
5 dl di succo di limone
100 gr. di frutti di bosco

Grattugia la scorza di 1 limone nel pentolino
Unisci il succo, 0,5 l d'acqua, 25 gr. di zucchero 
Fai bollire per 1 minuto 
Spegni e unisci 3/4 di limoncello.

Monta a spuma i tuorli e 80 gr. di zucchero 
Aggiungi il mascarpone (un cucchiaio alla volta) fino ad ottenere una crema densa e gonfia
Unisci alla crema il limoncello rimasto, versandolo poco alla volta
Monta la panna ben fredda e dopo incorporala 
Versa 1 strato di crema e poi vai avanti con biscotti imbevuti nello sciroppo e così via 
Alla fine coprilo con un foglio di carta trasparente e lascialo riposare in frigo per 4 ore
Poi taglia a listarelle le scorze dei 2 limoni rimasti 
Scottale in acqua bollente
Cuocile per 10 o 15 minuti in 0,5 l. di acqua e nello zucchero rimasto
Alla fine decora il tiramisu' con i frutti di bosco e le scorze di limone.


200 Gr. Savoiardi (italienische Loeffelbiscuits)
250 Gr. Mascarpone 
150 Gr. Schlagsahne und 4 Eigelber (oder insgesamt nur 250 Gr. Schlagsahne)
150 Gr. Zucker
die Schale von 3 Zitronen
500 ml Zitronensaft
8 EL Limoncello (italienische Zitronenlikoer)
100 Gr. Waldbeeren (oder Rotegruetze)

Die Schale von einer Zitrone in einem kleinen Topf reiben
Den Zitronensaft, 500 ml Wasser, 25 Gr. Zucker beimischen
1 Minute kochenlassen
Den Herd ausschalten und 6 EL Limoncello beimischen

Die Eigelber mit 80 Gr. Zucker schlagen
Mascarpone (Loeffel nach Loeffel) beimischen: Die Creme soll dicht sein
2 EL Limoncello langsam beimischen
Die Sahne richtig kalt schlagen und dann beimischen

Eine Schicht Creme, dann eine Schicht Savoiardi im Sirup durchgetraenkte, und so weiter  
Im Kuehlschrank 4 Stunden liegenlassen
Kleine Streifen von der Schale von 2 Zitronen schneiden
Im kochenden Wasser sie abbruehen
Sie abtropfen
Sie in 500 ml Wasser und 45 Gr. Zucker fuer 10-15 Minuten kochenlassen
Am Ende das Tiramisu mit Waldbeeren und Zitronenschalen dekorieren

Geniessen und mit Freunden und Familie teilen!

Pear cake


Zucchero 150 gr.  
farina 150 gr. 
uovo 1
bustina di lievito 1 
pere 3 tagliate a dadolini
liquore secco 1 bichierino
mezzo bicchiere di latte
sale un pizzico.

Mischiare tutti gli ingredienti in un contenitore 
Versare il composto in una teglia unta d'olio e con sopra l'olio una spolverata di farina
Sulla superfice del composto spolverare un po di zucchero
Mettere in forno già caldo a 180 ÷ 200 gradi, chiudere subito lo sportello, "acceso solo sotto" per circa 40 minuti (deve dorarsi la superficie)
Dal momento che metti la teglia nel forno non aprire lo sportello fino a 20 minuti dopo lo spegnimento, altrimenti si affloscia.


Coniglio in pezzi, quantità secondo il numero dei commensali (circa tre etti a testa con osso)
Una cipolla
Olive verdi
Mezzo bicchiere di vino (va bene anche birra)
Origano; pepe nero; sale.

Soffriggere la cipolla tagliata finemente rimestandola in una casseruola con olio e/o burro a fuoco medio, deve imbiondirsi leggermente; 
sistemare i pezzi di coniglio lavato ed asciugato (rosolarlo tutt'intorno a fuoco vivo);
aggiungere il vino o la birra e lasciare evaporare; 
aggiungere olive, origano, pepe nero, sale e continuare la cottura a fuoco moderato/minimo;
girare di tanto in tanto delicatamente - una mezz'oretta dovrebbe bastare per essere pronto (infilzandolo con la forchetta senti se affonda nella carne) 

buon appetito!!

Fruity salad

Mela, pera, banana, belga, finocchio, sedano;
Parmigiano, maionese, sale.

Frutta e verdura ne puoi aggiungere anche altre, calcola 200 ÷ 300 grammi a testa.

Lavare le verdure e sbucciare la frutta, affettare sia la frutta che la verdura a pezzi piccoli e possibilmente piatti;
sistemarli in una insalatiera ed aggiungere la maionese e un po di sale, girando il tutto (es. un kg di frutta e verdura, circa quattro cucchiai di maionese)
una volta amalgamata bene, lisciarla con il cucchiaio e realizzare sopra uno strato abbondante di foglie di parmigiano o grana; è pronta da servire.
Note: Va preparata e servita, non conservarla a lungo perchè si ossida e fa acquetta.

Sunday, 23 November 2008


Kind of crazy.

You still have in mind that old guy, who used to make you feel good. But he does not love you and he lives on the opposite side of the country.

And you start thinking about the new one, the one you kissed. But he just want to be kind of friends.

And then the third one. He likes you. But you think you are not interested. And when he leaves you miss being chatting with him. And of course he is leaving for the opposite side of the country too.

It was snowing yesterday!

Thursday, 20 November 2008


Binge eating disorder (BED), is a psychiatric disorder in which a subject shows the following symptoms:
- Periodically does not exercise control over consumption of food
- Eats an unusually large amount of food at one time -- more than a normal person would eat in the same amount of time.
- Eats much more quickly during binge episodes than during normal eating episodes
- Eats until physically uncomfortable
- Eats large amounts of food even when they are not really hungry
- Usually eats alone during binge eating episodes, in order to avoid discovery of the disorder
- Often eats alone during periods of normal eating, owing to feelings of embarrassment about food
- Feels disgusted, depressed, or guilty after binge eating

Subsonica: to my city

For all the time that was denied to us,
for which we often had to rob,
for my fingers in your mouth, for your spittle,
for your hands,

for my time that is imprisoned into your eyes,
for the innocence that falls always only aside,
for the whispers mixed with our screams
and our silences,

for your love that is in all the things that turn around,
this city and its movement,
made of lives lived slowly in background, acquire sense.

Another day, another hour and an instant:
your smile against the wind in the dirty air,
the sky over Turin seems being moving next to you,
you are like me.

Another day, another hour and an instant:
lost in my dreams with the same confusion,
the sky over Turin seems laughing next to you,
you are like me.

For this rage that on the tip of my tongue grazes
the nakedness of your intelligence and again
for your body, altar and unique home,
I'm looking for you
to find all the possible of the world,
to push deeper and deeper now and everywhere ,
without thinking, without fears, without tomorrow
in these hands.

Another day, another hour and an instant:
your smile against the wind in the dirty air,
the sky over Turin seems being moving next to you,
you are like me.

Another day, another hour and an instant:
lost in my dreams with the same confusion,
the sky over Turin seems laughing next to you,
you are like me.


Wednesday, 19 November 2008

evenu shalom alejem

I used to go to Church. Used to believe in God. Used to sing in the chorus. And I used to love this song, but I still do love it.

1. Evenu shalom alejem. (3 volte)
Evenu shalom shalom shalom alejem.

2. E sia la pace con noi (3 volte)
Evenu shalom shalom shalom alejem.

3. Et la paix soi avec nous (3 volte)
Evenu shalom shalom shalom alejem.

4. Und sei der Friede mit uns (3 volte)
Evenu shalom shalom shalom alejem.

5. Y sea la paz con nosotros (3 volte)
Evenu shalom shalom shalom alejem.

6. Sige la pau con nosoltres (3 volte)
Evenu shalom shalom shalom alejem.

7. And the peace be with us (3 volte)
Evenu shalom shalom shalom alejem.

8. Diciamo pace al mondo,
cantiamo pace al mondo,
che la tua vita sia gioiosa,
e il mio saluto - pace -
giunga fino a voi.

what if?

Today a friend asked me "What would you do if he came back to you?".
Hard question: I think I would still be ready to open my arms again and welcome him back. Because still my positive moments are mostly connected to him. That feeling of safety, of home...well, I really felt home with him.

But he is not going to come back. That's why I'm looking forward, straight on...

I've been down - I've been beat
I've been so tired-that I could not speak
I've been so lost that I could not see
I wanted things that were out of reach
then I found you and you helped me through
and ya showed me what to do
And that's why I'm comin' back to you...


Feeling so strange, little melancholic, little lonely, little unlucky.
Rationally I perfectly know that I'm the luckiest girl on Earth, but this background feeling stays with me during the day and makes my smile kind of bitter.
And Gone with the wind teaches that "Tomorrow is another day" 

Sunday, 16 November 2008


We shared so many moments, the best friend...

And then you get back just disillusion. Not being able to find a little time for me.
You are pure selfidsness, the centre of your universe. Your problems are the most urgent in the world.

I just asked for a couple of hours, having a pizza together, but...

Friday, 14 November 2008

FIrst kiss

Eyes into eyes, feeling strong the smell of the skin, half smiling... you came nearer and...

every time it happens is just a magic, a mysterious trick...

feeling your lips against mine... and in that moment you know that life can start again, that you will feel again those sensations...

Now the question is... will there be a second one?

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

FIght the break of dawn (August 25th)

There's a log on the fire
and it burns like me for you
Tomorrow comes with one desire
to take me away it's true
It ain't easy to say goodbye
darling please don't start to cry
Cause girl you know I've got to go, oh
Lord I wish it wasn't so

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Iu Es

I heard so much about this country. Since I was a child, on TV. Happy days, Beverly Hills, The Cosbys..that's how I learnt to know this country. And then on the news... but there I didn't learn to know funny people in their everyday life. In the news I learnt to know a country that is powerful, that was bombing Iraq...And then at school they taught me that this was a good country, which had saved Europe from the Nazis....that helped Europe to restart after the Second World War. And then I happened to hear that the people there study much less than in Europe, that they are quite ignorant and naive.

Who should I believe to?

Anyway, I'll be there for the first time in January... Cool!!!

Mr Darcy

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife...

Such a nice movie... and such a man... I want my Mr Darcy too... charming, fascinating, a little dark and never boring... hey, are you out there, listening to me?

It was an international women evening, drinking tea and dreaming of men. What can a man do to a girl. You can turn our world upside down... completely!

Sunday, 9 November 2008


Today I went here with some friends.
It's a system of mining caves. It was hard to find. First we didn't know which bus we should have taken, then we missed it. So we arrived late for the tour that we wanted to take. But finally we were able to take part into another tour and the guide was so nice to translate part of the tour from Dutch to English for us!

Incredible what can happen under the surface. Here they used to take stones to build churches. But during the second World War they built inside the system of caves small churches, a baker's, an hospital. This place was supposed to give hospitality to the whole city of Maastricht in case of emergency :)

And then we sat down in a nice coffee bar. I like cappuccino. And with some new friends around you it tastes better. Unfortunately I do not remember the name of the place. But there were partucular toilettes. A toilette for cool men. And one for hot women!

Saturday, 8 November 2008


sometimes you look around and you would never think that there are so intelligent men around you. How hard is it make people laugh... Spending so much time to understand what will lead the other to turn their glance into a smile.
I like smiles.

Today I went hiking at Waldstadion... sunny November... I like autumn. Usually I don't like it. But this autumn is so mild, you have to love it!