Friday 26 February 2010

wonderfu lunch

Today in the university canteen there was a wonderful idea for a lunch. the actual meal they were offering was not so great, but I must try to cook it myself:

Englische Lammpfanne mit Auberginen, Zwiebeln, Rosinen, Mandeln, Minze 

that is a pan with Lamb, Aubergines, Onions, Raisin, Almonds and Mint served together with rice :)


Tuesday 23 February 2010


Maybe I won't be able
to give you my best,
many times you found my efforts to be futile.
Maybe I won't be able
to give you my best,
many times you found my gestures to be ridiculous
As if it weren't enough
having given up on myself.
As if it weren't enough all the strength
of my love.
And I did nothing else
than feeling wrong,
and I changed everything about me
because I was not enough,
and I understood just
that you were afraid.

Maybe I won't be able
to give you my best,
but I have realized
that I don't possess anything more.
And I did nothing else
than feeling wrong,
and I changed everything about me
because I was not enough,
and I understood just

And I did nothing else
than feeling wrong,
and I changed everything about me
because I was not enough,
and I understood just
that you were afraid.

Tuesday 16 February 2010


and the blues

Thursday 11 February 2010

august in my mind

Moon shining on the city in August, you seem to belong only to me
in this place covered with asphalt with the people that are gone.
Moon shining on the city in August, I like to stare at your back
while you're facing the sea in this clear night.
Go and tell her that I'm fine, not to think of me,
to let it go. The wind blows and the time will pass by.

Buildings and roads as scenes of a show that went wrong
with the dancers taking off their makeup to return to start dreaming.
Moon shining on the city in August, tell me another lie,
let me warm up before the hot fire of melancholy.
Go and tell her that I'm fine, not to think of me,
to let it go. The wind blows and the time will pass by.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

may day: debugging

If your program is causing strange problems, it might be a good opportunity to lean back and think for a while. 

What were the last changes that you made? (A source code revision system e.g. SVN, CVS or RCS might help.) 

Reduce the optimization level of your compilation. 

Chose a smaller data set. Try to build a specific test case for your problem. 

Look for compiler messages and warnings. Use tools for a static program analysis. 

Try a dynamic analysis with appropriate compiler options. 

Reduce the number of CPUs in a parallel program, try a serial program run if possible. 

Use a debugger like TotalView. Use the smallest case which shows the error. 

In case of an OpenMP program, use a threadchecking tool like the Sun Thread Analyzer or the Intel ThreadChecker. 

If it is an OpenMP program, try to compile without optimization, e.g. with -g -O0 -xopenmp=noopt for the Sun compilers. 

In case of an MPI program, use a MPI tool or a parallel debugger like TotalView. Try another MPI implementation version and/or release. 

Try an other compiler. Maybe you run into a compiler bug? 


Snow is falling 
From the sky above 
Snow is falling 
Put on scarf and glove

Monday 8 February 2010

what's wrong?

maybe I'm the strange one, but I honestly do not get it...

Niente di occasionale, è scritto da tempo che ci dovevamo incontrare, e ognuno di noi due sa cosa fare...

Thursday 4 February 2010

playing cold

And the hardest part
Was letting go, not taking part
You really broke my heart

And I tried to sing
But I couldn’t think of anything
And that was the hardest part