Thursday 19 March 2009

The bright side of the day

It's not always easy. But that's all we should do in hard times. Looking up to the sky, smile, think how lucky we are even though - of course- we have our problems too. And realize how incredible is our ability to smile each other. Maybe some say that also animals can do that. But, well, how wonderful it is that you are walking, you raise your eyes from the floor, look into the eyes of that little girl/old woman/young guy and smile. He/She would usually smile back to you.

There's a million mouths to feed
And I've got everything I need
I'm breathing
And there's a hurting thing inside
But I've got everything to hide
I'm grieving

Hey hey I saved the world today
Everybody's happy now
The bad things gone away
And everybody's happy now
The good things here to stay
Please let it stay

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