Sunday 23 November 2008


Kind of crazy.

You still have in mind that old guy, who used to make you feel good. But he does not love you and he lives on the opposite side of the country.

And you start thinking about the new one, the one you kissed. But he just want to be kind of friends.

And then the third one. He likes you. But you think you are not interested. And when he leaves you miss being chatting with him. And of course he is leaving for the opposite side of the country too.

It was snowing yesterday!


Iris said...

Ma uno normale no??? proprio vero... a noi donne piacciono le cose non lo sono, o non vanno bene o cerchiamo di complicarle!!! comunque, tre per la testa e' un bel record!!


magnolia said...

ma dai, che mi ritengo ancora fortunata ;)